Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details so apparently, for every 5000 DLs this gets, the ghosts of onyx will donate 1$ to breast cancer research....
i just wanted to have a go-to place for most forge tutorials, guides, etc. if you have anything to add, let me know. one shield door jumping...
so i will record the best HLG spots in this thread. just want to see where to hide! me and my friend jetpacked up to some pipes in sword base,...
title is a joke bewtween me and my friends. i did a quick search, and didnt find a general discussion thread. so here we are, lets talk about...
hey guys, so i just want to organize a community montage. i want it to include a ton of different kinds of clips, from fails to AA kills to sick...
so i just want info on what vehicles we know will be making an apearance in forge, and what levels they will be on. i want to see some civilian...
YouTube - The Ultimate Lax Bro the origin of the title quote. so, anybody here play lacrosse? i play D. just wanted to see if im alone here on...
well, i joined a while back. i mainly dwell in the community section of forgehub here, and decided ive seen 4 late intros so i would do one. so,...
title says it all. i have cables for my xbox, but im putting a PS2 in another room where there is only wifi. so, i heard wireless gaming adapters...
so, post what the last game you played was, the gametype, if it was MM or private, and your statistics. mine was CODMOD2-hardcore TDM-MM-27...
so vote on the poll, than post why. i put hardcore because im used to it and better at it, no other reason. i just hate the connstant radar the...
okay, so, christmas is around the corner, and those who celebrate it have oppurtunities to get stuff. im looking for stuff to entertain me on my...
so post ur riot shield setup, and post when you use it. i use my riot shield with commando, marathon and lightweight my secondary is an AA 12...
i preordered MW2 to be shipped to our house and they canceled my order and never told me. Now i have to go to the store to get it when i should...
Please post the location I the spot with a picture using this room and a sentence or so explaining how to get it. I will put all rooms in this...