Joined in 2007, last post was in December of 2007, so even though this isn't technically an "introduction" I still think it belongs here. Got back...
I've been trying to get a teleporter (don't care what kind, but a sender would be best) into the blue or black rooms underneath snowbound. My...
Woo! Took me like 5 minutes. [img] Link to put in signature: [img]
The fight on this map takes place completely under water. Both teams start out in a base, where they gear up and head out (via teleporter) to the...
This version of the pit was made for CTF / assault gametypes, and works best on symmetrical game variants, (especially neutral bomb). I also made...
I gave it this name because both bases have teleporters that bring you to the top of the tower, then you can jump from the top down into other...
Download Zombies spawn in a "tank" made of containers which they cannot escape unless they lunge at humans. That is, if humans are stupid enough...
I'm new here. First post woo! I'm a forge addict with more custom games than matchmade games (over 650). I've got a bunch of friends who get...