yeah, so bungie is joining forces with activision/blizzard. Halo Developer Joins Forces With Activision - Bungie - Kotaku i know microsoft owns...
WatchTowers DOWNLOAD Play with Infection [IMG] Watchtowers is my second Infection map. It is based in the skybubble however infected spawn...
Got this fidling with weapons in forge. no im not sharing the gametype ;/ [IMG] It wasn't gangsta enough so i gangsta'd it up a bit:[IMG] enjoi!
LINK HERE [IMG] Jumpstart is my 3rd jump map, it is based in the sky bubble but you start in the default spawns, instead of an overshield a...
COARSE LANGUAGE YouTube - Halo 3 - DJ KEEMSTAR (1 VS 11) anyone know the name of this map or can link me to it? Much Love for the one who...
I divided by zero o.O (I did not make this map.) [IMG] Bungie link ITS OVER 9000!! [IMG] Bungie link Sneaky Reds. (look under the hog.) [IMG]...
im looking for a modified game variant, ffa forge and instant respawn, anyone got this? thanks in advance
ITT: post what your torrenting I'm going on a trip, so i'm putting some stuff on my Ipod, im current;y D'ling: Black Books series 1-3 The...
i want to make a level on sandbox crypt with train tracks running through it, is this posible?
Action: gotta love the pink mist [IMG] Sup3rJump, got bounced in legendary brawl. twas sweeeet [IMG] Funny Spot the bomb carrying red? [IMG]...
Map Title: Roadblock this empty decrepid village is in the heart of knowhere it was used as a military training ground until they found high...
jump : Halo 3 File Details jumpbox : Halo 3 File Details jump: Jump is your simple skybox challenge map, its medium to...
EDIT: this is the current one without hornets. with a new base:...