Should thier really be a rating on games for violence,etc. Whats the worst it could do......
What do you think is better post your opinons and please be respectful. And im well aware that halo is only on xbox so we all have a 360.
Would Halo3 forge be better if it had a Terrain editor (for outdoor maps Last Resort etc.) tool similar to Far Cry 2's???? Post your thoughts...
What really created are world did an explosion really create Earth and its trees,water and Life. Or was it god who granted us the power to live....
what are your opinions between these 2 games i personally prefer ODST because its well its Halo!! If you would kindly compare the two it would...
Anyone interested in making a new map? I usually like Competitive but Racing/Casual is fine. GT-st958 Message on XBL if interested
Hi everyone im new here so i thought i could post a thread here. i just joined and my gt is st958. I like to forge competive maps but am open to...
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