Wanna visit someone else's town in Animal Crossing or tackle a scarescraper in Luigi's Mansion with a buddy but don't know anyone around who has...
[IMG]Nominations Get to nominating. Ten most nominated maps move on to voting. Make sure the one you want gets there. As always, follow the...
[IMG] Ciela | by Dax Players | 2 - 4 Gametype | DaxySlayer This map has a very bad habit of popping up on the front page, and once again here...
[IMG] Guitar Hero By | Zatherla Players | 2 Gametypes | Specific Gametype Guitar Hero is an jovially creative minigame made by Zatherla....
[IMG]omNominations Hello Forge Hub, My sincerest apologies come with this article being out as late as it has. If last month's results...
[IMG] Forgery Quite literally 'Forged' by | Zatherla With significant contribution from | Hushed Behemoth and A Lonely Schmeef Players | 4 - 8...
[IMG]Voting You nominated them. Now seal the deal and vote for them! Big Freeze Exia Memento Scythe Trapped Feel free to discuss and...
[IMG]Lotus Skillfully crafted by | unoverrated and WALDO the lemon Players | 4 - 8 Gametypes | Infinity Slayer and CTF They say you can't judge...
[IMG] Nominations Welcome to a brand new edition of Forge Hub Favorites. Have you seen a map floating around on the boards lately and think it...
[IMG] Voting You nominated them them, now seal the deal and Vote for them: Ciela Exia Lotus One-Flag Panic Station Feel free to discuss...
[IMG] Nominations 'Tis the Season to be Forging and you all have been doing quite a bit of it. Just from browsing around map previews and the...
Hello there Forgers, Do you have a Forge project you have slaved over for the past weeks since Halo 4 has graced our Xboxes? Has said project...
In light of the recent thread about Quantum Mechanics that derailed into idiocy and was subsequently locked I'd like to open the board up to a...
SCP - Black Booty SCP ep.1 - Adding Injury to Insult - YouTube SCP ep.1.5 - The Flicker Man and Corner Bang - YouTube SCP ep.2 - Black...
[IMG] Since this article is late by my standards as is, I am going to hold off on the pleasantries this time around. Please congratulate...
[IMG] Hello, happy Thursday, and welcome to the second installation of the non-staff run, funny man competition known as Caption Contest 21....
[IMG] To those of you who were here before last December, you know what this is. And you know you love it. Alternatively, for those who made...
Let's backtrack to about two weeks before Halo: Reach came out. Halo 3 was on its way out and we ushered in a new era of Halo madness and creating...
[IMG] ::Download Here:: [IMG] Pythagoras' Balcony is an small, 1v1 map made specifically for the Forge Hub 2x2 Bank Contest. It is set off the...
As I was recently promoted within the Review Hub I decided that we were in need for some drastic changes. A couple of these have already shown...