I just remembered I used to post abstract wallpapers I make here. Well, it's been forever, but I made a new one! 288 layers of geometric...
This will be a long running project with characters and concepts from various fandoms in the art style of Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker that will...
Movie posters! Teaser: [IMG] Standard: [img] Gimme yo' thoughts, brah.
Alright guys! It's November first, and you know what that means--it's time for a scruff-off competition. No prizes, just glory. So much glory....
[IMG] The nominations round for Forge Hub Favorites now lasts three weeks instead of one, which gives you guys more time to decide on your...
[IMG] Voting Please vote for your favorite! The nominations in alphabetical order are: Altar Le Muskets Pendant Relapse Serum...
[IMG] Nominations Rules Max. 3 nominations per person. Provide a link to each map's Forge Hub thread. DO NOT nominate your own...
[IMG] Voting Please vote for your favorite! The nominations in alphabetical order are: Ebalere Lone Souls in a Lost Mine Memento...
[IMG] Voting Please vote for your favorite! The nominations in alphabetical order are: Behemoth Memento Scopeless Strife Ventricle Voting...
Basically I am creating this thread as a general place for us to share cool music videos with each other. Make sure they are actual music videos,...
Reviving this thread. >D: I've recently been creating vectors in the style of Gorillaz artwork. More to come, I have like umpteen bazillion...
[WIP] Zombie Apocalypse Novella [Ch. 1] I've been wanting to write this for a while, and I finally am! ^-^ I'm going to be keeping chapters...
Drew a picture of a girl I've been seeing the last few weeks. Going to give it to her today. 12~ hours work. Getting them both on the screen, her...
... It doesn't ... I don't, this video ... it's... ... Is this old news? I randomly ended up here after clicking through suggested videos at the...
It was actually kind of entertaining to do. Might do more. Hmmmmmm. Hamster - YouTube
Because I felt like drawing the other night. =P Hair is meh. [spoiler]
Ever wonder how to play a cheese grater? Not a youtube video, can't embed. D:
[IMG] [IMG] Voting Please vote for your favorite! And the Nominations in alphabetical order are... Arca by Hulter Catha by Eightball...
[IMG] [IMG] NOMINATIONS Rules You are allowed 3 nominations. Provide a link to the maps' Forge Hub threads. DO NOT nominate your own...