You heard me right! WLIIA is returning this summer on CW. This show was one of the funniest programs on TV and if you've got any sense of humor...
Hello everyone. I recently had an assignment based upon the philosophical problem surrounding the identity of Theseus' ship. "In the original...
Dubstep.! Also, Key and Peele are hilarious.
This song has been bugging me for a little bit now. The chorus makes me think one thing, but every other part of the song suggests a different...
Like the title states.. What are some of the nicest things someone has done for you? It can be from a friend, family member, or significant...
[IMG] by nibbles and Spawn of Saltine Welcome to Battleships. It's taken 2 months and a lot of procrastinating to get here. It all started... appears that my full rock pictures didn't show up on my recent screens. oh well. enjoy camo rock. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] If you...
No I'm not actually going to call the map Jhhhhh, but I don't have a name yet. After going blank on mini game creations I've decided to try the...
I bought the Xbox 360 Slim and noticed that it didn't come with HD AV cables...which I am very irritated by. My old cables won't fit because...
[IMG] Ever wanted a quick and easy way to post your map and make it look great? Ever posted a map and forgotten something you should have...
[IMG] ..what teh eff? What are those toads doing in that cave? that's just silly. [IMG] Perhaps we'll post some details later. Sincerely,...
I took a class last year and now I'm taking the second part to it this year. I really love messing around in photoshop, but I'm really not as...
[IMG] Infineighty is my very first competitive map. I decided that a simple 2v2 map would be a good place to start. The map is shaped like a...
[IMG] by Spawn of Saltine [IMG] Hello and welcome to another Mini Game. I decided that I would create a team based mini game this time around....
I'm trying to do different edits on my map images and I want to know what you guys think looks the best. Tell me which one appeals to you the...
I'm beginning to test my first ever competitive map. It is a 2v2-3v3 map that is in a figure 8 with a path from the top to the bottom... It... I am again. My new idea is based more on team game play rather than individual. If you have any ideas for a name then post them...
[IMG] Hello and welcome to my most recent mini game. Tumbling Trinkets is an infection game where zombies must launch themselves up towards a...
Welcome to my latest endeavor. This is going to be.....AWESOME. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Coming soon.... (Shits gonna go down!)
When playing infection there were two guys left and I decided I would try and get tricky. I dive bombed using evade off of a ledge and got both...