Hey guys, I thought I'd be kind so I'm making free videos that can showcase peoples maps. I have an HD PVR (an HD capture card), and I have some...
What do you guys think were the best maps of 2009?
YouTube- This is Just Embarrassing... So this guy Squandon and his two friends called me out when I jumped in to play some Team Swat. So it was...
YouTube- Modern Warfare 2 Modded Server [UNLIMITED AMMO HACK]
YouTube- ViirtBR's Final Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Montage (Trailer) A trailer for a montage that will never be released.
YouTube- ViirtBR Presents :: Meteor Shower - A Halo 3 Minitage
Ok I'm sick and tired of teammates that suck and yell at me for taking the sniper rifle. If you want to play some friendly MLG, add me on Xbox...
Hello I'm V ii r t B R, everyone calls me V ii r t (pronounced vert), and I'm a gamer from Hawaii. I like to play MLG a lot, so if you want a good...