YouTube - Halo Spartan Heaven A CollegeHumor video.
So I saw this awhile back, cam back and watched it again last night. When reading the description, he said there are easter eggs hidden throughout...
People are awesome. [VIDEO]
It's Master Chi-... Wait a minute. Something's off here. [img] Fileshare Link:...
Just a fun moment I had earlier today. Thought I would share. Excuse the quality also, I wasn't using the correct settings when recording. But...
Go to the page for this video and watch in 720p. Subscribe, Comment, Take my pants off.<3 YouTube - Halo Reach: 1-Way Elevator Tutorial Just a...
Taken over the "ocean" in Forge World. I didn't jump off anything, anyone guess how I did it? [img]
Watch in 720p. YouTube - Mafia 2: Stuck Up Achievement Guide Again, thanks to Youtuber for the intro.
Watch in 720p YouTube - Mafia 2 2for1 Achievements. Thanks to Youtuber for providing me with such a lovely intro.<3
It made me lol the first time. Second time made me grin YouTube - Oh **** me (bush video)
Just a funny video I stumbled upon... The voiceover is pretty good. ;D YouTube - Move Your Car - DJO
Alright so after about an hour of creative thinking, I came up with a few structure that I think look good. So first off, this is the first...
Alright so I decided to go ahead and mess around in Google Sketchup, and with the limited designs available, this was born. [IMG] [IMG]...
Language YouTube - Indie Game of the Week #4‎
It's Shark Week, so you know what that means! ZOMBIE SNIPER HD!!! YouTube - Indie Game of the Week #3 I tried to do it all in one...
Sorry again for stuttering, next time I make a video ima just talk about current events. lul YouTube - Starcraft 2 Mission 1 Holla...
Now this just sounds cool... YouTube - Tron: Legacy Remix Agree? Disagree?
Just something I made up earlier, I should have probaly did the commentary along with the vide because I kind of ran out of a time for what I...
iSEIZURE WARNING! This is the newer mic, I think it helped pick up sound better. Sorry for the stutters and a little bit of repeats, I was...
YouTube - Halo: Reach FIREFIGHT Gameplay [HD] FIRST LOOK! @ Comic Con Pretty cool... Comic-Con. I understand it's not 'leaked' per say, that's...