Hey, I can't upload any pics since Halo wont let me save them but whatever. Anyways, what I have so far is a one-man box in the skybubble. It has...
I took this one like a year ago. I had no knowledge of effects or anything. Just plain and simple. I really like it....
Here are some ODST shots from Orbital's Screenshot Room. Basic...
I'm back (1 hour l8r) with moar campaign shots! YAY! Check em out Serenity (Remake of a guy's shot I saw)...
I was messin around on The Covenant and I noticed my teamates were ODST's. So, I took some shots. Hey bro, check it out!...
Some new shots from Orbital's "Screenshot Room" Enjoy! Gotta little Captain in me!...
As requested, I attempted to use a skull with the Plains of Hell effect. It took forever and I only got this....
A few pics I took with the regen http://haloscreenshots.net/gallery/16207B68DB8260D0993159D96D7E8DEE/"][IMG][/URL] Black Sword...
do you see it too? http://haloscreenshots.net/gallery/E26088CE2581E9850D1A9F86DE949AE7/"][IMG][/URL]
Here is a picture of me (Captain) and my friend Meep366 (Lieutenant). Enjoy!...
Ok, this one is very easy. In fact it is so easy that I should let you do it on your own but I'm not mean so here is the guide. 1. Load up High...
here they are http://haloscreenshots.net/gallery/BD5C3D64380723527F4C20066AC599BB/"][IMG][/URL]...
I was messing around and I took these. Light http://haloscreenshots.net/gallery/47C786439108DFBD91883D25CC453BA4/"][IMG][/URL] Look what I...
I took some pictures of the sun on Sandbox. Maybe not original, but still good. Old...
I know, it's too bright. I couldn't get it just right. but I thinnk it looks like the cover of Halo: Combat Evolved...
Took this on Last Resort. Just me, bein dramatic. :haha: http://haloscreenshots.net/gallery/53D9A99C0DDFF99EFD4528E9D3181EA2/"][IMG][/URL]
Hey guys, another screenshot i took while messin around on forge. srry about how glowly and bright it is. also, i had to zoom in for this one so...
Me again. took this while messin around on forge. it looks like he's wielden a club/katana/weapon-thingy. if you disagree, just don't comment....
First, let me give credit to Joe is Outside. THIS IS HIS EFFECT. NOT MINE. I used his tutorial to create these: Sniper:...
My brother and I were just messing around in theater and saw this!...