[IMG] Remember people. Read. Play. Then Comment or else the LOLmonkey will stab you with ROFLknife and you'll have a WTF face and a decapitated...
Well Rifte, guess what, Im Makin Ma Damn Bowlin Alley. Unfortunately though, I do not think it would be fit or even make sense to have a bowling...
And the most amount of exclamation marks used!!!!!!! But that's not the point. Here I will tell you about four (hopefully) kickass maps I am...
Well I decided to dish out my two favorite screenshots from campaign that I think use light and grass to perfection. Who new watching grass grow...
Got bored so I decided to make this little map for fun. It's on the cliff side of standoff. I have run out of immovable objects to make the map...
[IMG] Well, it's about time I posted a map. If you thought my last map precipice absolutely sucked then you are going to love this map. I was...
Well, I was working on my map preview of Bubblez, and then I came across some screenies I made a year ago that I saved in my screenshot gallery....
[IMG] This work in progress will hopefully be a casual, original map when it is complete. The map itself is put just barely into the water so that...
Trying again at landscape/nature screenies, whatever they're called. This time in Cortana. I need some feedback on which is your favorite and if...
This is my try at making screenshots of landscapes. What are they called? Nature shots? Anyway, I've seen many of those screenshots here at...
I was doing a project for government of how the government wastes money which is just breathtaking once you research a bit. Most of what I have to...
[IMG] Gametypes: Save one bullet and Alpha Zombie Recommended Players: 4-10 Story: In 2035, there is only chaos, poverty...
Have you ever wanted to know the answers to random, maybe pointless questions? Now you can. If you want to know why the sky is blue or how the M&M...
Hello, Mr. Viewer. This is my first attempt at a competitive map and I hope you enjoy. This map is mainly for 2-6 players for many gametypes like...
Challenge v3 Hello, this is my first map although it may not seem like it. My map is an obstacle course inspired by Flaming Ninja. This map is...
I need some help to decide which of these screenshots I should submit for the SOTW contest ( for those who don't know the theme is black, white,...
Does anyone get what he means by this message. All I did was say that he had a great map. Additionally, I have already read the forum rules...