I have sen some really beautiful floors on various forge maps, combining buildnings and other objects to make for different and new textures....
I attempted to turn Highlands into a good Invasion map and the results are really great, in my opinion this maps play way better than Boneyard...
Anyone know how you can lock certain players in the same team to certain invasion spawns (inv_res_phase1) where there are actually two, just like...
This is the situation, I want to spawn a weapon 2 minutes from the start of the match, is there any way to prevent that weapon fron spawning again...
I'm experiencing some problems with my stockpile gametype, when the flag is captured it goes back to its initial spawn point, is there any way to...
How can you set up more than a stockpile goal at once, both of them from the same team (red).
Hi Forgehub I'm looking for a map called Giant squid, it was at the most downloaded lists a few ago, the description said something about an...
I'm trying to recreate the ammo stacks we use in firefight, the methos is simple , I place a magnum and an ar on fixed and give them 5 magazines....
Is there any way to set a stockpile game so that attackers and deffenders chage their role each round. Also, is there any way to force the...
Hi guys, my first question is: is there any way to geomerge vehicles not to deep into the ground without having them exploding?, the other one is:...
I have a really nice idea but I need to set a vehicle as the objective so when destroyed the spartans will be able to the next phase, any ideas?
Waterworks was one of my favourites btb maps, if would want to remake the map and say you can use the double ammount of colliseum walls, where...
I want to use the purple effect on my map but things are way too dark and difficult to see, any combinations I could use with the purple effect...
Does anyone know of a good location for a watrrworks remake? ,Im trying to use the less colliseum walls for the floors :(
It is possible to forge outside the boundaries?, there are a few interesting bsckgrounds out of the boundaries.
Special fx's are not a new addition to forge but in Halo Reach we have a new bunch of them, they can change the way your map looks dramatically if...
Bungie.net Community proyect: Halo Reach Community photo 2.0.[ SUBMITING TIME ] Community photo thread at Bungie.net. I'm back with the community...
The new Community photo is here,this is the third one and will be a bit different. If you are interesting and want to participate to show to...
Well, I had the idea of a community photo long time ago,it was done in the Bungie day events with a very good result. I'm starting a new...