Now, I have a feeling that a topic like this may be more suited to the 'Reach Discussion' thread, I hope it does it does not have to be moved....
Mech Hunter is a fun remake of the classic "Duck Hunt" maps. It takes a new, more aesthetically inclined take on the original, with new, fun...
Hey everyone, Darkling here with a new sketch I just drew up. I have never tried doing a sketch before so I just want to put this out there. I...
When I was watching a video on youtube of how to ghost merge, the guy in the video says that you should be using bumper jumper. What would be his...
Hi everyone, this is my first map which I have given a preview for. I am giving a preview for the unfinished version this time because i need some...
What is everyones favorite playlist/s and why? Mine, personally at the moment, would have to be Squad Battle. Its like Big Team but less lag...
AOD Scout Hey everyone this is my second ship map that I have posted on forgehub. This is a ship for my clan 'Angels Of Death'. If you didn't...
DESERT BANE Hey its Darkling, this is a racetrack I made not too long after ghost merging came about. I have recently updated it and made it...
REMAKE YOUR HOUSE IN FORGE Hey everyone I have come up with a pretty cool idea. My idea is that everyone makes a forge replica of there house...
IDEAS FOR VEHICLES Hey everyone, Darkling here and I need some ideas for forge. See I think of myself as a pretty good forger but I often find...
Hey everyone its Dark here with another new map this time on Foundry. If you didn't see the other map that I posted not long ago then heres a...
Hey everyone. I have been getting alot of free time and i've made a big ship. It has taken 9 hours to build over the course of 2 days. It...
Dark Park This race is my first "Double Wide" race, this is also my first map post on forge-hub! This is a challenging race and as it says in the...
Dark Park This race is my first "Double Wide" race, this is also my first post on forge-hub! This is a challenging race and as it says in the...