So I was thinking, whilst SOTW has run dry over the past couple of weeks there's now no Graphics contests on the site - and whilst that's down to...
YouTube - Call of Duty: Black Ops Single-Player Trailer
[IMG] Ouch. CnC is great, though i realise i haven't exactly been active recently. Apologies, but i can't really promise otherwise I'm afraid.
YouTube - Sprattyyy | Style o.O Easily the most underrated Call Of Duty player out there, he deserves so many more subscribers!
Found this video posted on another site, and at first I was quite doubtful of it's credibility, but it looks like they are being serious with...
Hey guys, my PC is now around 5-6 years old and it's about time i upgraded, and i also want to use programs such as AAE and C4D, which at the...
YouTube - 2 Quick Photoshop Tutorials - Blending and a Signature Sorry about it not being widescreen, kinda messed up with the render settings....
[IMG] Made this for the SoTW this week, second try at an abstract piece so im newby at it :P. CnC would be awesome, thanks!
YouTube - Call of Duty Black Ops Multiplayer Teaser Trailer [HD]‎ So here it is, the Black Ops teaser trailer. TBH, it didn't surprise or...
Fluxed (iiDeFuZe) has set up an editing contest with his clips already seen in Storm 2, to see who will edit his Black Ops montage, Storm 3. This...
[IMG] My SOTW entry on 2 sites, both were freestyle. CnC would be awetastic!
[IMG] Was bored. I kinda like the result :]. CnC please :D!
Anyone else seen it? It's amazing in my opinion. A film i could put up there as being as good an experience as Dark Knight or Avatar 3D. I really...
[IMG] Ouch. CnC pwease :D.
YouTube - Mini Edit lul Just a nice no-scope i used for a mini edit. I'm going to start editing my MW2 Dualtage on Monday after my last exam :].
YouTube - COD 4 SERVERS DELETED ! Bye bye Infinity Ward, it was fun whilst you were around!
YouTube - Quad! Contest! 20 days left. Get shouting! My favourite so far: YouTube - zCole QUAD! In Co-Op None so far have been great, and none...
What an unexpected turn of events! The drama involving the creators of one of the biggest franchises in gaming continues as Jason West and...
YouTube- Ghost Recon: Future Soldier - Live Action holymotherofgodpwnage.
[IMG] Comments appreciated :D.