Didn't see any other dedicated threads and figured it would be useful if we could discuss the most efficient ways of acquiring challenges; best...
I haven't played Reach in a few months and suddenly got the urge this Monday, and as I decided to play; I decided I may as well get the Defiant...
Hey all, For an assignment I'm planning to do, I'm making a movie calendar. So a month over a double page spread with squares for each day of...
Hadn't seen this posted anywhere else... For those that haven't seen it, this is the official trailer for the Green Lantern movie that debuted...
YouTube - Iron Man 2. Alternative Opening:) It opens with Tony, head in the toilet, classy as ever. I can understand why it was cut from the...
Made this like a year ago, when I had a hold of a wacom tablet. Thinking about colouring it, not sure if I can be bothered. [IMG]
Hey all. I was curious if there were any other users here from Adelaide, Australia that know anything about Halo: Reach midnight release? I never...
[img] Warner Bros. today confirmed the title and release window for the next Batman videogame developed by Rocksteady Studios. It's called...
The Avengers trailer which debuted to a shocked audience at Comic-Con is now online! YouTube - Avengers Comic-Con Trailer‎ Trailer...
This is my second major assignment for Design. All original artwork (despite the DC logo and barcode) All components are vector, so I can recreate...
This is a rough trace of my dog that I'll be using in my 2nd Major Design Assignment. For the assignment, I'm doing a comic book cover and this is...
(I'm Alex Linou, if you weren't already aware) This was my first(of two) practical tasks in Year 12 Design. It's an A0 size poster(118CMx84CM)...
I was able to borrow my school's wacom tablet and I've been messing around with it. [IMG]
[IMG] I initially planned on debuting a new banner at the 50th edition but I realised that would be a long time away and because I don't like...
I couldn't manage to embed it, or find the video on youtube. The following link is to video of a deleted scene from Watchmen. The scene, as with...
I got bored and started messing around in flash. I created this fellow. He doesn't have a name but he does have contempt for the world. [IMG]
Title essentially says it all. This is a thread exclusively for the discussion of movies. Rules: -Be mature. -Don't spam Serious thread is serious.
[IMG] Did something simple. Traced bitmap then put it into Photoshop, added the band and text. Posted this more as an example on what's...
[IMG] Did a few new things. Despite the size(I regret making the canvas so small) I rather like it.
[IMG] Don't really know what to say. I don't mind the outcome.