UNNAMED! Well I haven't posted a map in a while and that's because I've been working on (and procrastinating on) a new map. My friends tell me...
Hey! Much like my Tsavo Highway Collection, I did a normal run-through of The Covenant for fun and it came out with these screenshots, I hope you...
Hello and welcome to my Tsavo Highway collection. I was bored and decided to just normally play a runthrough of Tsavo Highway and see what...
[IMG] "OH SHI-" "Watch where you're going!"
Hey Forge Hub and welcome to my second map post. I made this map a while ago (well before the Mythic map pack) and was proud of it, so after some...
Helloo and welcome to some more of my screenshots. These were both recently taken on the 18th May. I hope you enjoy them and please tell me what...
Hey! Seeing the good reception my other screenshots got, I had a look around in my gallery for other good ones. Here I present two of my old...
Hey all, these are my first two posted screenshots so I hope you like them and any advice would be great. Warthog I made this one a while ago...
Altar Intro Hey Forge Hub! This is my frist posted map and I hope you enjoy it. I began with a small idea and sketch of a map centralized around a...