I downloaded the Crysis 2 demo, and everytime I tried to enter a Quick Match, my Xbox would freeze right before the start of the match. I tried...
I plan on making a Black Ops montage, but I do not have a capture card. I have six clips in my fileshare, and was wondering if anyone could...
(Please remember that I am in no way endorsing lockers, and have no direct relationship with anyone who is of any importance with the site. I'm...
Thrown together pretty quickly in Photoshop. I was going for a grungy effect, but I think I may have overdone it. Tell me what you think. v1...
Both of these games bring a refreshing change of pace to the racing genre, but I don't know which one deserves my money. I played the Split/Second...
As many of us know, Noble 6 is replacing a Spartan that was KIA. We also know that Noble 6 likes to go it alone, and in the campaign reveal...
INTRO I had the idea yesterday of having a Halo Reach tournament to raise money for a charity. I am announcing this now (even though Reach will...
Today I was in a party chat with some friends playing some Domination when one of them said IW is releasing the Stimulus Pack for free "because...
[IMG] Not much to say, CnC please.
YouTube - biohazardStudiosUSA's Channel
I recently bought Bioshock to see if I would like the second one, and its a pretty sweet game. Everything was going good, I was pwning splicers...
Personally, I would love a multiplayer map based off of the mission "The Only Easy Day... Was Yesterday" (the oil rig map). That's really the only...
Yes, Modern Warfare 3. It's inevitable, face it. Anyway, I just had a few ideas I thought would be sweet to include in it. Equipment...
Unlike my last typography (...) this actually required work, and has a meaning. The stock image was pretty good, and I didn't need to edit much,...
Not much work, I needed something to occupy my for about 5-10 minutes, and ta-da! [IMG] \m/
[IMG] (Looks better in Old School) CnC pl0x.
(Sorry if this is the wrong forum, I mean, it is gaming. Just move if you don't agree. kthxbai.) Post your favorite flash games here! Include...
I was extremely bored and decided to play my very, very old Nintendo Gamecube and even older Nintendo 64. I was thinking about how the games would...
Austrailia is once again banning a game for being to violent, this time being SEGA's "Aliens vs. Predator" game. Here are a few of the reasons the...
...that I plan on listening to Let the Bodies Hit the Floor by Drowning Pool while playing "No Russian" the second I get Modern Warfare 2?...