I found these over at hawtymcbloggy.com, a fellow halo 3 blog. IH3SotW Hawty McBloggy Invites You to Play I Do not take credit for any of these....
Quite possibly as funny as the legendary "**** In A Box". The first single from The Lonely Island's debut album "INCREDIBAD". In stores...
[IMG] If you have no idea what this is, go here
[IMG] Box Art Source: http://multiplayerblog.mtv.com/2008/10/09/halo-3-recon-box-art-revealed-the-game-too/ If You havnt seen it yet, head over...
If anybody here on good ol' FH is a fan of Hip Hop or Pop, I suggest you take a gander at artist T.I.'s new album, The Paper Trail. It is...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kg4ztJ32iPI A very funny spoof.
What goes into picking a featured map? How does the process work? I'm sure many people are very curious, I know I am.
[IMG] Platform Racing 2 Its whats for breakfast! PLAY HERE! Basically, this is the sweetest online multiplayer racing game EVER....
What is the most creative/most unique/most interesting map name you've ever heard? A link to the map would be cool too. I'll start with one of...
Ok, so we all know that armories suck major ass. I hate them. You hate them. We all hate them. However, when it comes to Infection, thats...
Ok, so I just checked out a thread, also in Gaming Discussion, called Your Ten Maps. The thread's author is thesilencebroken, and you can check...
CANCELED until further notice. I suddenly do not have ANY time whatsoever to be hosting this. DOn't worry though, eventually I will do another one.
Well, here we are. I, MattDGiant, present to you... The Long Awaited... The Many Times Delayed... The All Important... Pre-DLC...
Straight from Bungie.net, I bring you... Assembly, otherwise known as Purple Reign. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
For example, some of you might remember the Shell Shocked Contest. It was a ton of fun. However, there hasnt been another in quite some...
[IMG] Photo Credits go to TribeSpartan
FABULOUS!! [IMG] This is not my screenshot, it is IMTHECLUELESS 1.
What maps would be chosen to be placed on BF?
Lock Please! -MattDGiant The other thread had become untidy and messy, with people posting all over. Official Info Thread Official Comment...
COULD A MOD STICKY THIS? PLEASE? THANK YOU. Thats Right folks, no Foundry. I made a thread discussing this idea a while ago. A lot of you...