Short:MySpace Kills YouTube - Short: MySpace Kills Please Subscribe. It would really help :) -Ryan Check out our other videos, they're pretty...
YouTube - Short: Monster in the Closet
Sorry, I havent really been keeping up with the whole ODST process, and I can't seem to find if there will be a BR. I just started a couple days...
Alright, so I just had a thought. I was wondering if it'd be cool to have a gametype where everybody had cursors, arrows, or whatever over there...
YouTube - KayEmX - Halo 3: ODST Firefight Montage Going to be amazing, am I right?
YouTube - SKs strafe revisited
[IMG] I wore this around school today, just to see how many peopple would think its funny while I walked through the halls. I decided to take a...
alright, i just got a lcd 1080p 120hz tv and there is a delay when I play halo. I've heard of this before, but how do i fix it? thanks
[IMG] fml, didnt see the line on the left D:
My first try at a crypt map, second serious map. Need testers, add TheBlueHaze. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Does anybody know of a free game that could keep me entertained for the rest of the day? Ibaf! It could be computer, or xbox
[IMG] Please CnC, thanks :D [IMG]
YouTube - Cooking with Chef Kodey: Pb&J Mmm mm mm
YouTube - Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Gameplay - I X Kristuhfur sepia added for better quality. video's quality will be better once it fully uploads
RULES - Round Robin Tournament - PSL 1v1 Settings on PSL Guardian - Must be a Spartan.. make sure to notify your opponent about that! HOW TO...
YouTube - Speed Typing Test - 68 Words music should be up soon
does anybody know how to make a gaming ladder site like GB.. but for free? I wanted to start a H3 Swat site. I dunno, thought it'd be cool. Anybody?
YouTube - Bipolar Nick - Final Halo 3 Montage
Does anybody know a fps that has "bots" or computer players that you can fight with, like halo matchmaking, but not on live? If so, can you set...
YouTube - HD :: Halo 3 Atrium MLG map :: By Skyzo and UpsiloN sorry if this has been posted before..