The newest map from MockKnizzle008 and Flying Shoe ILR... A Big Freeze is headed your way. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
Hello dear Hubbers. Some of you might've been following the Map Sketch thread and seen the drawings I've posted there, and now I'm proud to...
[IMG] Hello gentle populace of Forgehub, after much procrastination and endless postponement, I am proud to present one of my oldest and...
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Port Authority - another urban-themed BTB map from MockKnizzle008 and Psychoduck. Stay tuned.
[IMG] Welcome to Metropolis. First off, I'd like to thank all the peeps who in any way contributed to this beast of a map: Psychoduck, for...
I present to you: Metropolis. [IMG] An inspired re-imagining of the classic Halo 2 map Headlong, Metropolis will bring back waves of...
My first foray into posting maps here on FH. Long-time lurker, occasional poster... thought I'd try and give back for once. Let me present...
Lurker for a week or two, learned some amazingly useful tricks, decided to make account. Yeah. Hopefully I can actually get feedback on some maps...