cnc plz [IMG]
Sooo. I got hacked. I decided I wanted to play mw2, and it said my acc was recovered, then I got suspicious. So I recovered it and it said that...
TheSandyRavage's gameplay and commentary YouTube- Modern Warfare 2: TheSandyRavage's Rusher VS Campers Nuke (MW2 Gameplay/Commentary) Coarse...
YouTube- BB - BrySi Rap Battle? I lol'd.
I've recently gotten Modern Warfare 2, and lost almost all of my individual skill in halo. Im practically playing halo as a run 'n gun, And my...
Tried to focus on depth and blending. [IMG] Text fail: [IMG] Harsh CnC plz.
YouTube- ReziLienT :: Halo 3 Final Montage :: "Paramount" - Edited by MM mad max MM By-far my favourite montages yet.
100x76 Please. [IMG] Thanks ahead if anyone does.
Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Mushroom MUSHROOOM! YouTube- Badgers
[IMG] v2 w/ text: [IMG] First shot at photoshopp. No c4d or anything yet. Please, give me some advice and were I could improve, No " looks...
First GIMP recolour. Like the second picture in Pigglez stock pack. [IMG] Note: I wasnt going for any fancy effects, Just straight...
I liked the stock for SOTW so I stole it. It's my first in like 1-2 Months because of school and all that. [IMG] Just need a little CnC.
YouTube - Funny frozen food commercial I ****ing love this commercial.
Yeah. self explanitory. Need the 3 vidmasters for odst, and the one on halo 3. the one with the iron skull. i forget the name. need 2-3 people...
I'm going to be hosting some MLG Scrimages soon. I will probably do from about 2-8 a month. The reason being is I hate going into matchmaking(MLG)...
Played this guy in doubles Get **** on YouTube - (HD) Fragtale - Halo 3 Montage - UNBELIEVABLE
I heard this song in a montage today. ****ing epic. YouTube - Little Weapon Lyrics video Coarse language...
I was thinking of making a Gamebattles team, since I have a small team sorta. The only problem is i cant think of a team name..Everytime I think...
[IMG] Halp me.. Sorta lost for ideas. v2 [IMG]
L'dmfao. Walshy`s Dallas Interview Video - Halo 3 Game - MLG Game...