I dont know how many of you have seen the musical or the movie "Sweeney Todd" but recently me and my friend have been trying to recreate his...
Its A late Night... At the Strip Crypt (NOTE: THis map is meant only for slayer and for fun!) The Strip Crypt is the hot spot for Halo 3 Players...
:omg:FOR TOO LONG!:omg: For too long we Elites have been put down we have been treated like we didnt matter. WELL NOW THAT MUST CHANGE! It's...
Super Mall and Super Mall(other) Super Mall is a full mall including a whole bunch of stores, a jail/security office, a fountain, and more....
*THIS IS MY FIRST POST SO SRRY IF IT SUX* Elites and Spartans face off Me and my friends would use this map we made basically just to warm up...