Echelon Echelon is a map Ive been working on for the past few weeks. The design itself is a spiritual successor to a map I'd made in Halo 4...
[IMG] What's up guys, I'm back again with my third map, Nexus. Nexus is based around hexagonal geometry, and the map started of as a design...
[IMG] Hello again, I'm back with my second map, Purlieu. Purlieu (pronounced Purr-loo) is a urban map on Erosion made for 4-12 players. I...
[IMG] Feels good to be back. To those of you who know me, hello. I'm back to forging again, and I've got a preview of a map I made. Windfall...
[IMG] At long last. For Those Who Don't Know... I present my most ambitious forge project. I took up on Ace's offer and made not...
[IMG] Well, it's almost here. I actually finished something this time (what a shocker!) I'm in the final testing stages of my final build of...
It all started with this quote from AceofSpades on the Kinetica Preview Thread over at Xforgery. Too bad you couldn't make two of those and then...
Since Mickraider and Bartoge have been kind enough to give the community Sketchup peices for Reach, I figured I'd try my hand at a map. This is a...
UPDATE! I know, you all have been very anxious to see the release of this map, and I try to make time to forge, I do. But with school, my...
I'm back, and I've got with me new maps coming soon. If any of you have seen a map called Forerunner by me here on Forgehub, you'll know a little...
[IMG] TELEKINESIS Telekinesis-the ability to move or deform inanimate objects through mental processes. Hello again! This is the V2 of one of...
These are my first attempts at good screenshots. They all use the effect I've created, Purple Shadows. They have different colors, but they all...
So with the conclusion of my latest map, Telekinesis, and the dawn of its succeeding V2, I've noticed that the map lacks good gameplay elements..."][IMG] TELEKINESIS PsyFlag-Custom CTF Gametype made exclusivly for...
Help! :omg:HELP!:omg: Hello, viewer. If you are reading this, I need some serious help. I was forging a map on a non-budget-glitched canvas and..."][IMG] OUBLIETTE Oubliette-A secret dungeon with an opening only in the...
[/COLOR][IMG] FORERUNNER Hello, everyone! I'm back with my third map, Forerunner. This is probably map best map, so comment, criticize, and rate,...
Here's a random screenshot I got while messing around in a Custom Game. It my first ever. I hope you like it and critique it. (`\/:angry:\/`) --...
[IMG] STREET V2 Hello everyone. I'm back with my second version of Street, Street V2! All of your helpful tips and comments have been piled up...
[IMG] STREET Hello evryone. I'm back with my second map and the last one on Foundry for a while. As usual, criticize and comment, and rate so I...