[IMG] Acidic is a medium to large asymetric map. The map took around 24-27 hours to make (that may not be correct I dont keep track). Acidic...
Hey guys, Im making a new map and ive gotten about halfway done and this is what i have so far. can you tell me what you think? [IMG] [IMG]...
Riot Riot is a small asymetrical map. It is based on controling higher ground. there are three levels: Ground, middle, and high. the higher and...
[IMG] Boulder clash is an asymmetrical map that supports up to 6 players. it supports the game types king of the hill (shotgun hill game type...
spartan laser challenge [IMG] download map download game i have a challenge for all of you go here for more info this map is basicaly a...
[IMG] One of the unsc recon teams have found a B5 attack crusier in the barren waste land with no crew. the crusier was later classified as...
this once peaceful cemetary has become destroyed and ravaged over years of war only to become more and more polluted and look industrial....
my new race track i completed it just o7/03/08 . its a very easy to drive on course with a unique starting gate that takes ten seconds to open.it...
A small military base with a cannon and vehicles. it has 2 mongeese and 3 hogs. the cannon has a botton that can allow it to shoot. the button is...