To start off, this technically isn't a debate. I'll make it one later but the first part of the post is just my views on the world. Think about...
I've been watching some of the gameplay videos to see what the pros' strats are on mlgpro and they usually have a pretty big crowd. So do you...
This is for my friend, his computer's down. Honestly though this kid is insane. He's showed me some of the clips and they're just ridiculous. Most...
[IMG] This is Patchwork, a map I've been working on since Sandbox came out, and my first Sandbox map post. I designed it specifically for team...
So something wierd happened to me during a game on rats nest so i went back to look at it and i thought this looked pretty cool so i took a...
I found a way to merge items into the dunes in sandbox. When i say that, i mean merging objects from the grid area into the surrounding sand...
OK so here's my question. I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to put a box or whatever into the dunes. I tried the save and quit method but...
I know a lot of people probably came up with this around the same time but does anyone know who was the first to actually make a map with it and...
I'm working on a map right now. It's kind of a mix between a competitive map and an MLG map, but when its finished its going to be posted in...
Luckiesnipes made a post earlier about remaking a part of Sierra 117 from the campaign, so I started thinking. Would anyone be interested in...
So I just finished my new map that I've been working on. My xbox live subscription ran out earlier, so I can't put the map in my file share. Does...
Ok I know that I've only been here for a month, but something ridiculous happened the other day and I just wanted to ask some questions about it....
I've been working on a couple of complicated maps lately, so i decided to take a break from that and play some Rocket Race. I played that for a...
Hey has anyone ran into a problem with objects disappearing on interlocked/goemerged maps? The little blue teardrop that says where the item will...
Hey everyone, this is my first post so if I do anything wrong let me know. Ok so i've always liked smaller maps the most. In large maps, too...