Hey guys, I've got a quickie here that I spent the last few days building. I made this primarily because I was hoping Burnie Burns would be...
Why have a windmill in space? I’ll spare you the usual four paragraphs of storytime on this one. This is my remake of Zanzibar, made while...
Hi there. I used to post quite a lot here. Then I hated Reach and sold my Xbox. Now I'm back for Halo 4. [IMG] NOTE: The forging here is...
This is likely to be my last post here, and will definitely the most unusual. I left ForgeHub over a year ago, leaving what I would consider a...
Disposable City Hello Forgehub. Its been a while since I've been here. Unfortunately, I doubt I'll be staying long. I lost interest in Halo...
Vicinage is an original squad battle map I have boon working on for the last couple weeks. I have had two tests so far, and both have gone fairly...
A few weeks ago, I posted the preview of my uplift remake. I built it off of two walkthrough videos, and a couple pictures. While i think the...
I mentioned in my danger canyon thread, that I would post my sidewinder remake soon. so here it is. The remake is just slightly scaled down to...
My current goal in halo reach, Is to have a remake of every halo map (excluding the huge maps) on my hard drive. The maps that I cant find, I Try...
After getting a couple of test games, I decided that I was ready to release V1 of my Last Resort/Zanzibar remake. After having great success with...
Lately, I've gotten into a routine of staying up late, remaking maps, while listening to youtube. Here are the three maps I've completed so far....
First off, i love Valhalla. I thought it was an amazing BTB map, and i would love to see it remade. I have seen three remakes of Valhalla so...
I recently finished V1 of my remake of the Halo 2 PC map, Uplift. I was hoping I could get some help testing it tomorrow (9/22/10) at 8:00 PST....
I didn't see a topic for SC2 So I decided I would make one. With it coming out fairly soon I for one am pretty excited. So far, from the footage...
So, I just got an E74 error on my xbox. I went through multiple troubleshooting guides and nothing works. Now I have three options left. Use a...
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Yeah, my new WIP, suggestions and constructive criticism are greatly appreciated.
Used mans complete guide to all firefight enemies This is my second attempt at writing a guide, and I hope it will be more successful than my...
While working on my new longshore map, I made an awesome discovery. the item crate,fish is unmovable. this means it can be interlocked and...
Jokulhaup Created by used man jok-ull-hop Supported Gametypes: Assault Capture the Flag Juggernaut King of the Hill Oddball Territories...
glitch discovered by death yoyo guide written by used man the new forge glitch could very well bring a revolution to forge. it allows perfect...