Meltyourtv has enough fractions that he can't make threads or something so I'm posting this for him. My CnC [spoiler] Hey guys, I make music,...
Me and and Meltyourtv are starting a game battles team. It's going to be pretty much completely for fun, but we are going to try and win. If we...
The Zeitgeist Movement I'm not going to try and persuade you to my opinions. Feel free to discuss.
I've always stuck to fps games myself, due to the severe lack of good fighter games for the 360, but this looks freaking awesome. YouTube -...
YouTube - Dr Pepper Ultimate Highlights: Raleigh Friday Night Kickoff 8:51 I could not stop laughing.
[img] Some free time :)
[img] The requirements were for it to be black and white, and to have this information on it. I focused a lot on the composition of this. It's...
Post em / discuss Mischgasm.Mischgasm I play as zerg and would really like to put my skills to the test against some other forgehubians.
[IMG] It's literally garbage art. I made it for a graphic design class I'm taking. My process was to tip a garbage can over onto my canvas and...
Robot Unicorn Attack - A Free Online Flash Game From Adult Swim Most fun flash game I have ever played. Robot Unicorn Attack. Feel free to talk...
What is the best Final Fantasy Game, I'm going to get one for PC. Explain why it's the best to.
I just downloaded the demo, it's the most bad ass game I have ever played. All must try it. It's a basic fighter but highly polished. You get...
Made it for A gamebattles logo. What think? [img]
You got it. Name it and give evidence to back it up. Format:Team or Solo: Map: Difficulty: Highscore: Evidence: Best highscores for...
Support : Halo: Reach Forum Poll is at link, here's a copy for those that don't feel like following links. For Halo reach,...
Xylom's Magnificent Map Capture Service! So I started up a free service for people that need halo related stuff captured, assuming you guys...
[img] My second signature. It looks like I need a border, adding that now.
Google Sketchup HitmanFluffy's Foundry Components HitmanFluffy's Sandbox Template __________________________________________________...
I made a signature and colored it 3 different ways, tell me which one you like best. [img] Edit for Hari [img] [img] [img] The...
My fileshare got banned for me having modded pictures (I know it was a retarded noob thing to do.) now my fileshare is banned. When I take...