Some of you may remember me, I founded Forge Hub back in November 2007 and ran it for over 2 years. I had a bit of a falling out with some of...
Well I went to my local Gamestop yesterday to pick up one of those sexy new red/black controllers since all of my current controls like to...
"Write Us!" is a segment in which the Forgecast hosts read submissions by FH community members regarding any subject...from Forging to FH...
Who here has a Twitter? If anyone has one, add me. Twitter / TrueDarkFusion
Recently a group called Lower the Guns has sprung up over at The group is dedicated to having the ability to lower guns...
I'm moving out of state for college on Sunday so my activity this week and the following week will rapidly decline as I am quite busy. Don't...
Enter your questions or what you would like to here us talk about here for Forgecast #5.
These videos are extremely informative and show a side of Iraq that our government controlled media centers do not want us to see....
I thought this was a pretty cool short.
Here is one, more shall come.
[IMG] Well we are over due for another edition of Musings of the Truth. I thought for this week's article I would switch up the format and make...
TNT Polo Created by TrueDarkFusion and SargeantSarcasm YouTube - TNT Polo Bringing new meaning to sport games in an explosive way! TNT Polo is a...
This is one of the most moving videos I have seen in awhile.
In case any of you missed it, read this. Original Announcement Thread Well to start of I want to apologize to the members of ForgeHub for the...
TNT Polo Created by TrueDarkFusion & SargeantSarcasm Bringing new meaning to sport games in an explosive way! 6-8 Players Recommended Download...
Enjoy the next hit song a la the Superintendent.
Some of you may have noticed the "I support Bob Barr" signature that I have been toting about the forums. I have noticed other users toting the...
Forgecast #3 is in development, and we want to hear from you! If you have a question or interesting observation you would like to share with us...
This is so epic.
I am currently working on making the rep system more dynamic. That means increasing the rate at which the message changes for rep and what it...