Map- jump out of hell Game type- hell jumper...
I would like to put together a MLG team,Team Slayer, mostly all of the slayer types. I would be hosting try outs. Post on this thread if you want...
Monster Trucks Alright, this map is a monster truck map you ram into each other till you knock off the other person. or people. It really...
Arkutech This map was built to have a 6v6 or 5v5 or 4v4 the guns on this map are -6brs -2 brute shots -1 shotgun -sniper -6 smgs -2 sentnal beams...
Sky world V3!! the is a fun map to play when playing 2v2 or 1v1. the wepons on the map are -sniper rifle -bean rifle -shotgun -and 4 brs i played..."][IMG][/URL]...