Straight to the point, because I know 70% plus or minus a few of you won't read this, so without further adieu, I present to you a Jump map made...
Well, I've seen 2 threads in a row asking how to retrieve things that drop into water, and I bet there's more, so instead of having to "Delete...
PIMP and the greatest thing ever created.
Wow, that's all I have to say MS Paint God - CollegeHumor Video [IMG]
Yea well, blah [IMG] [IMG]
Was posted on Bungie Blog, thought I'd post it here too. It's and amazing video and an actually fun to watch Montage.... Was in the game Empire Earth too.... I died a little inside after accidently watching this, actually a lot. Hold me :(
So me and my 3 brothers decided to have our own screenshot contest, so vote which 1 is the best, yes some suck, and they are not related to each...
Basketball! Created by STWOW Note: This game will not work with over 10 people. To stop people from joining making it 11+, while in the...
I know this probably has been posted/asked before but, I could not find it, what is the flattest object to make a floor with, on sandbox?
Well I am still a noob at Sigs and cannot do good affects soo this is pretty much all I can do right now. [IMG] Hope you like it. BTW I DLed and...
Hey, artists and everyone, this is a little idea I came up with last night, and I think it might work. My reasoning behind it, While searching...
Apocalypse [IMG] Well I found out this thing when playing campaign and trying to get on the Boat on storm with the scarab that if you jump on a...
Site Epsilon Recommended Players: 2-6 FFA or 2 Team Games DL it Here Description: This map is made up of mostly Y-Intersection tubes and...
For those who don't already know.... The months of subtle hinting and sly dodging are over, the Mythic Map Pack is coming to the Xbox LIVE...
With Sandbox out and every now has it there has been attempted remakes at almost every map. Some amazing and some bad. What I have noticed is...