If you would like to be part of a machinima group, then please fill out this application and join my website [details later.] It is a strict job...
All you MLG pros out there that think your so good, try playing halo without auto aim. We'll see how you do. You think you can get a 4 shot with...
How would I forge a yellow light into foundry? I am sure it isn't a mod because it is in the archetect [sorry, spelling] sticky for forge.
Hello everyone! My good friend and I are starting up a new machinima series as you may have heard. I am in need of some people. Requirements: -I...
Hey is there anyway I can print out halo 1 maps? So I can see the over view and everything? I would like to make a remake but I don't really want...
How many of the members here have recon? No liars please, serious question. If you have recon expect a pm from me This is not a thread for you...
Hey, I need to know these, don't have time for search because I have other things to do, and I know you guys know these on the top of your heads....
This achievement calls for obtaining all of the halo 3 mythic map skulls. We all have the 3. Now there is three more. Does anyone besides me...
When making an infection map, I was close to the maximum objects that could be placed. So instead of putting a bunch of respawns for the zombies,...
So you just made a map. Your making a gametype for it too. You put the gametype so there is four rounds for... Wait what? I can't choose a...
Ok, so this map wil take place on sandbox. The idea of the map is to make at least one thing from each map. I don't know how to word it. For...
What do most people play when in customs? Infection. Infection, is not so serious, but it is fun. There are so many different ways you could play....
So basically, I have extra money, and I am in need of a signature but have crappy skills for this stuff. So, here are the specifications: -Must...
Anyone have? Also will there be glitches like, if I delete an object I will not be able to place that object back?
None of my friends remember this but, I do. Team control. Anybody? No? Ok. I may be completely wrong but I am pretty sure there was a ranked...
I'm looking for a team of 4 to play with me in the objective playlist. I am really good at objective because I love strategy. So if you would like...
hey. I am a new member here but luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuve forgin! I'm making a new map, inspired by blood gluch from halo 1. Infection map...
Does foundry have EVERY forge item that is able to be used that were there before the legendary maps? I don't think so but I'm making sure.
MLG Electrified My first MLG map. I'm an awful forger, so don't be too harsh =]. I love forging but I just can't get things perfect. Anyways,...