Hey ForgeHub! Long time, no post. I'm here to present my newest creation Yeti Dome. It was a quick little map to make, so I'll make this post a...
I already posted this really late last night, but it didn't get any replies. (C'mon, ForgeHub!) I just want some feedback. :( So, I'm nearing...
So, I'm nearing the final version of my map Yeti Bay. <--- Download Link [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] It may look kinda asymmetrical and weird, but...
Hey, ForgeHub! Long time, no post. Most of you probably don't remember me, or what I have forged in the past, but oh well. :P Anyway, I've been...
Stolen from GAF (credits to GhaleonEB): G4TV Article Credit System Player Investment is driven by credits ("cR" for short). Credits are...
Joystiq Article Halo 3: ODST's survival horde Firefight Mode is probably the most notable addition to the upcoming Halo 3 expansion from Bungie...
YouTube - We Are ODST (Extended Cut) - HD I think this is one of the best video game trailers I've ever seen. **Updated with the Extended Version**
There is supposed to be a live demo (or trailer) of ODST at E3 this Wednesday. Gamespot will be showing it at 4:00 P.M. PST on their live stream...
Yetiworks **I had to repost this due to slight changes and a name change from my previous thread.** Download Yetiworks Now comes in...
Yetiworks Please Close this Mods. I had to repost this due to a name change for the map... plus I had to edit some things anyway. :P
Hey, I've been a member here since January, but I never properly introduced myself, so now I am here introducing myself. Yay!