Guardian was my favourite Halo 3 map, hands down. For me that was a map that could be played again and again and again, even if it's combat was a...
Descent ][ Long story short, this is (in my opinion) the single most skilled and incredible shooter ever created, despite being nearly 15 years...
Descent ][ For those of you with short attention spans, skip to the "Gameplay" section :). Introduction Ahem, now that I have your attention,...
Well, you read the thread title. When I say mod I mean like a PC mod, but not a total conversion. i.e, you're not completely changing all parts of...
Crackalanche By Nitrotomato - An infection map for those of us who love insane games, with lots of explosions and death. [4 - 16 players - 12...
Hello. I am creating a fairly complicated gametype with rules, and there is one issue that I need to try and resolve. Before leaving a one way...
[IMG] Zombies, Inc. Ultimate Brain Feast Saturday 1st October & Sunday 2nd October Well, here it is finally. The ultimate, mother of all Brain...
[IMG] Brain Feast Hosted By Zombies, inc. O HAI. In case you didn't know, we're a group dedicated to weekly games of infection! We play...
Hi. I have a slight problem. My friend, Hajiman is in a plight and has asked me to appeal to the people. He has an account which is stored at my...
[IMG] Brain Feast Hosted by Zombies, Inc. This thread is for organising our third and fourth brain feasts. For those of you who don't know, our...
Zombies, inc - Game Group for Infection Fans - 57 Members and Counting Zombies, Inc. We like brains. Greetings, my fellow humans. Speaking to...
Important Message: Due to the lack of turn-ups for this game, it has been postponed until Saturday 20th, at 3:30PM GMT, or 10:30EST for those in...
Hello. Well, okay, the title was a slight lie. I'm going to host a game afternoon, but "game afternoon" sounds nothing like as catchy as "game...
[img] Mosh Pit (Recommended 2 – 4 Players) Despite the curfew on such things, this Heavy Metal Mosh Pit has remained active for over 1000 years,...
[img] UNSC Scientific “Red Reign†Facility (Recommended 3 – 6 players) Just let the red rain splash you... [br] This map supports infection...
Hello. I know this is probably the n00biest thing anyone can ever ask, but how on earth do I post a map on I am trying to post a map...