My friend at my Art College recently made a trailer for a movie that he was considering making into a full length film here for his final project,... is the map that I have been trying to post for about a month now... I just now got Xbox Live back thanks to a friend of mine, so that...
Hey guys, I am just wondering if it is possible to somehow upload a map into your fileshare while you are silver. To answer any questions that I...
Good afternoon good sirs, After about... 5 months of not releasing a map, I have decided that I should finally stop being lazy and finish one up,...
Hey guys, lately I have been busy and havent been able to play much Reach but I was wanting to make a new map here pretty soon since I havent...
So Greetings once again dear peoples, I am back for more with the new addition of this lovely game called Halo Reach! :) So anyways, this is my...
Abattoir Greetings, my fellow members of the forge community. Forging in general has given us a great thing that we have never had before,...
This is my final map I am making for Halo 3... might as well give you guys something to look forward to and drool over. Yes, it is a big...
Greetings good sirs and madames. I have come to an impasse at to what I should create. While we all know that Reach will be here in a couple of...
The Sands When you are playing a random map there on Sandbox and you look out into the great dune expanse that surrounds you, do you ever...
Frosted Haven Brrrrrr... From the weather outside I know that its around Christmas Time!!Well, during this festive season I thought I might...
Hey Doods- this is teh Mansion Makezorz iTz Fuzzywig coming back again for a new addition to his pallete of mansions, Acier-Garde. Acier Garde...
Stone Sojourn Hey everyone!!! Its your favorite mansion-maker coming back at you with a brand new masterpiece!!!! This new mansion is most...
Wassup peoplez- This is iTz Fuzzyeig and I must say that sadly...I have run into a solid brick wall in my mind of creating names for maps. I am in...
Miami...1981.... the cocaine trade was booming and many people went out to start new lives and make millions by trafficking this less than legal...
Hey everybody!! This is iTz Fuzzywig again, coming at you with another new pro made map!!!! I like my maps to be both beautiful and functional so...
Ever wanted a place to chill after matchmaking?? A place to clean the noob blood of of your boots and lay back, have a drink in the jacuzzi and...
Legend Mansion Legend mansion is most likely the most difficult map I have ever made, there is extensive amounts of geomerging and...
The Legend Mansion is a map that I got done about a month is most likely the best map I have ever made and the longest map to make. This...
This map is most likely one of the best Mansion Maps ever made in Halo. Im not trying to sound self centered but for spending a month on this I...