Hello all! It's been a very long time since I've seen many of you, after I stopped making maps in Reach I turned my creative energies into other...
Here's the channel Me and a couple of other guys started filming ourselves, were not playing like super tryhard, but we are trying to win. If...
Its been too long ForgeHub, well, here is my (Alleged) final map in Halo Reach. ARMOR WALKERS the map name is Grab and Hold Armor walkers is a...
This post may take a while to load, and if you're on a mobile device, sorry, I have a lot of mondo pictures....
Yesterday I was eating dinner with my multi-cultured family, when it dawned on me, multiplayer design is incredibly similar to cooking. We were...
Tetris [IMG] (a very similar concept as above) Gameplay Pretty simple, stuff falls from the sky, and you have to compete to complete the...
Rebirth (It's called rebirth, because it is very heavily inspired by Guardian and Lockout) It's late, I have homework to do still, so this thread...
I made a game of Tetris, except I dont need a zombie this time, the blocks fall on their own, Ideally I want it to end when 1 player gets to a...
Welcome to Summit! This is a map that plays Invasion, and Invasion Slayer. Invasion takes place above Alaska then Into Montana then Down into...
Guess who's back with a brand new map? And I don't mean map as in a new case of child molestation accusation No worries, papa's got a brand new...
This has been bothering me for as long as I've been gaming. What is skill? Is it you're ability to input difficult commands into your controller...
my signature that is...I can't seem to get them to make a square, I know its probably simple, but I can't figure it out... I have the left two...
[IMG] Download Map Download Game This, is Pinball, Pinball is a competitive mini-game on Sandbox, both teams try to shoot the ball into...
Chess Forged and tweaked by: MetaWaddleDee Concept by: Nick the Ratman Welcome to Chess! It is the exact same game you've played time and time...
S[IMG]hipment p.s. this map looks like garbage in screenshots, watch the video This map is as close to Cod4 Shipment as I could physically make...
Well, me and Nick the Ratman were messing around and decided to make a fort on lost platoon... It was going great, until that blasted Wraith...
...its nothing special, just a good way to kill an hour. [IMG] Tell me what you think, but I know its not too great. Here's the stock. ...and...
I just wanted to see what people noticed that could give us great opportunities for amazing customs. just a few here... keep in mind this is all...
Reach tracks how much time we've played on B.net... I will hate to know how much of my life Ive wasted on this game...