So can any Christians prove to me their god exists P.S. i don't intend for this to become an ignorant rage thread or anything, so dont let is...
The campaign I loved, the multiplayer, no. Just no.
So, due to my recent addiction to Fallout 3, i downloaded operation anchorage. Which is a DLC, but i cant get it started. :sadfaic: I know your...
So what ever happened to "OMFGBBQWTFLOLZ H1N1 R KILL US ALL" did it just go bye-bye like TDF? I dont see any new about it. Or did everyone just...
Recently in my school we had a debate about this and i found this rather interesting of a subject. In tennessee they have numerous talks about it...
As intended, just post your favorite custom class for CoD4. So, if you play CoD4, what are your favorite custom classes? Heres mine: Name:...
Alright, my jailbroken ipod recently started being a **** to me and when i would sometimes download stuff like Advanced Wars for gpSiphone ( GBA...
Alright i was watching a video and i realized i could make a funny gif outta it, it repeats itself perfectly and I just don't know how to make... song, i don't know why though.
I dont who or who doesn't own it, but i need help. Whenever i download an addon for garrys mod ( let's say a weapon pack, SWEP ), the models...
Whats your favorite Halo Wars unit/faction? Mine is the covenant/ locust because the locust is a very good unit paired with wraiths and can deal...
all my gimp brushes ( including downloaded ) are REALLY over sized and i need help with it. also help with getting other brushes, i can't download...
[IMG][IMG] This is my first attempt at a good signature. i made it using GIMP. it took about 30 mins to understand, learn, and create this. any...
I have had an adapter for 6 months now, no problems. But i recently had a power surge and the red indicator light that comes on in the beginning...
I've seen a bunch of maps that have bridges as a ramp leading up to another bridge that's in the air. Centograph is a perfect example. If anyone...
I've seen a lot of smooth platforms made outta db's, when i make a, straight, 2 dbl box long platform i use 3 dbl boxes. I've seen people use 2...
I've seen a lot of maps and other stuff on bungie fav's ( mainly by BSG ) the past couple of times. IMO It all sucks. The screen shots, the maps,...
Those walls in foundry that have the yellow, uneven, bottom are really driving a spike in my map. I've seen the mlg maps and how they perfectly...
I'm new to ForgeHub but i've been on here for Forging 101 and i thought it was awesome. I'm really good at forge and interlocking and some ways of...