ORB Stands for Orbital Racing Battles. Also is short for Orbital. Description I'm not going to tell you a story of my map, instead what inspired...
Here are some really good pictures i have took, and i'm finally putting them on here. Please rate, comment, and tell me which is your favorite....
I'm making a racetrack on orbital, i put 8 spawn points at the start of the track, when I load up a custom game on it, the spawn points don't work...
Here are two new screenshots, tell me what you think of them, rate and download your favorite if you have one. Perfect: [IMG] Shine: [IMG] ENJOY!
The AwesomeSauce Screenshot Session Numero 1 LOOK FORWARD TO THE NEXT Session!!! The Pics get even Better! Tell me what you would like to see...
If you would like any of the following to be in my file share, tell me and i will. Intensity: [IMG] Magnum Heat: [IMG] Liquid Hexagon: [IMG]...
Hey, i have a question that needs to be answered. I dont know if this has been answered though so here it is. I was wondering if members like...
Here are some more Screenshots Gunfire [IMG] Golden Ring [IMG] Resistance [IMG] The Outer Rim [IMG] Explosive Sniper [IMG] Please Leave...
We all hope Sandbox is built for forge but are you sure they (bungie) is not pulling a trick? Sandbox could just be another map like assembly and...
Here are some more Photos Sunny Sniper [IMG] Diverse Duo [IMG] Purple Framed [IMG] Stealth [IMG] ??? (Was Spartan in Japan) [IMG]...
This is one of many pics. It is named Inferno. Tell me your opinion of it and i dont think its a new effect. [IMG]
I have a question. What if I submit a conquest map and it end up looking like another persons submission, and i did not know of it and we...