Mosh is a KOTH map in which you start with a random weapon, jump in a pit, and unleash hell upon your fellow fighters. There are two varients for...
Ship to Ship is a map a friend of mine, ceKingO86, attempted to make on foundry a while back... it didn't turn out to well. The basic concept is...
This is the sequel to a map I made some time ago called Equilibreum (hence the V2) It was my first map post and did not go over very well....
For those of you who have been patiently awaiting a version 2 for my failure of a map Equilibreum..... you will have to wait a while longer. But,...
These are just some random screenshots I took using the tips that others have provided Meltdown...
Although a map pack generaly has three maps, this one has only two. (too lazy to make two threads in one sitting) Now as you may or may not...
Although I've been a member for quite some time, I have not ever posted a map, so, if you would, please leave constructive critisism on anything...