Help Bungie achieve maximum awesomeness on the 14th! ATTEND the event, (if you have facebook) - Post your gamertag on wall, and spread the love :)...
-Confined- An Infection Map. Notes:Please understand i started making this map back when the Mythic 1 maps were released with HALO WARS. I...
Community Project - Campaign/Missions in Forge Would I be right in saying that these type of maps don't exist? If so; i've got some ideas, lots,...
Hey all :) Hows it going :D -I've been inactive for a fairly long time> Just finished my A-Levels and am a free man now :D So going to be...
I don't know if this is in the wrong area or not, but i need some people to help me test my new map 'Confined'. Its finally on a playable version....
One screenie i made a long time ago...With my friend in recon.... before i lost fileshare :( So can't take new ones :( Buts im proud of it (Y)...
Hey all :) Well I was just wondering if anyone here is working on some maps on Sandbox? If so, post the names here, Pic's if you have them,...
When i was making a map i had someone in my lobby and he put a killball on the spawn points, which were all stupidly in the same place... I then...
Well, I got the Mythic Maps Earlier, played them all; got the skulls (Y) ...So I started forging a map, forged 2 maps. Then i was ready; I got my...
Map Name: GRIDLOCK100 Gametypes Associated: WARZONE100, ASSASINATION100, ANNEX100 Standard Information: GRIDLOCK Gears of War Remake, Perfect....