Well I have a little issue with my fallout 3. I somehow managed to get myslef moving EXTREMELY slow, but when I jump, and i land it, I slide about...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXN6p5Wr4pc Ignore the spanish this video is -blam-ING EPIC!
So I've heard about and today, I am going to try google new browser, "Chrome" Download, here [IMG]Not alot of clutter on top of the browser and...
[IMG] Hello. I would love for to try out my In the Shadow's map, "Peasant's Abode" Basically, the story is when survivor's fled "The Estate",...
So whos going to PAX, Im going to TRY and be there. So who else is going there? It'd nice to meet hubber's face-to-face instead of text-to-text =P...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaeERnIPhG0 This is a snickers commercial, its was banned from ever being shown.. Why? Because it was offensive...
Cleveland, from Family Guy, having a family of his own and show!?!?!? http://youtube.com/watch?v=fisYzsEBaNM&feature=bz301 THE CLEVELAND SHOW...
Im not sure if "leaking" would be a great importance, but if you havnt seen this list, you would be amazed: Group Voice Chats Remove Payment...
Pretty much speaks for itself... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMKJctFki6A
Gal, Guy, and a villian http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbVxbZfqb2I Its like a bunch of games all bunched into one! "OMG WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY...
Not meant to be anything but funny. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1812805
Ill let them speak for themselves.....
Bungie released the new "forging items" released in there new maps, also the most expected blackout object is a EPIC PHAIL!...
Okay heres the scope, i saw this last night on world most amazing videos, and the guy said "bullovine booty call" :D...
Here is the channel(link!): http://www.justin.tv/ovaloffice
No video, check all of Youtube's featured videos, there pretty funny... Video link: http://youtube.com/
So is there? I can here people through them, just can speak. =(
I was reading up on the update when I came along this: We also think that people are going to be pretty excited about some of the Forge elements...
Sadly, my theroy is incorrect, They will not show a Halo wars map in there new snow map, but a remake of Sidewinder, from Halo 1 remember?...
Got any prank calls? Post'em here.. Ive listened to some prank calls but this by far is the most hilarious!...