I was just wondering how you presented your map to MLG for a possible playlist map?
ARTIFACT v2 BY CYDRONIX AND BLAKBASTUD9 [IMG] Recently I released a version one of my newest map, MLG Artifact, so, this is my newest...
ARTIFACT v2 BY CYDRONIX AND BLAKBASTUD9 [IMG] Recently I released a version one of my newest map, MLG Artifact, so, this is my newest version. I...
ArtifacT Made by Cydronix [IMG] Hey, Sorry I haven't posted in a while, got back-tracked with lots of mlg work. But I have had time to make a...
Hello, I am Cydronix leader, and founder of MLG (Major-League-Gaming) team, quarantine. Check out my new, official website! Feel free to make...
I was just wondering, if Sanbox the mythic map is a really advanced map editor, will forge hub give you the same amount of credit for your map?...
New Mombasa "Only very few ODST troopers survived the technical disaster at New Mombasa. 4-8 Players" Created by: Cydronix and Blakbastud44...
I have many new Ideas, suggestions and comments about Halo 3: ODST. If you would like to view them click here! Please keep the Bungie thread...
The Tectonic Remake is Finally Here! Remade by Cydronix Original Map Forged by Cydronix Map Idea and Layout by Blakbastud9 I finally...
Mythic Map Pack Discussion RECENTLY UPDATED! The Mythic Map Pack (All 6 Maps) are confirmed to only have two Remakes. ASSEMBLY Assembly was...
MLG QUARENTINE v5 [IMG] Forged by Cydronix Ideas and Layout by Blakbastud9 I DO SAY MLG BUT IT IS BOTH A COMPETITIVE MAP AND AN MLG MAP, DON'T...
MLG QUARENTINE v5 [IMG] Forged by Cydronix Ideas and Layout by Blakbastud9 Yes, I know the name may have already been taken. This...
How to Live Forever Montage! This is my Newest Montage! How to live forever. It has so, so editing, Music In Order of Appearence: Gears of War...
7th COLUMN Forged by Cydronix, Blakbastud9, and English994 NOTE: This is a remake of my map, Photosythesis, not a crude remake of Matty's map,...
Orbital Created by Cydronix and Blakbastud9 This is my "Remake" of the Mythic map Orbital from only the two pictures in the December Game...
How to Live Forever This is my Newest Montage! How to live forever. It has so, so editing, Music In Order of Appearence: Gears of War...
Tectonic MADE BY Cydronix & Blakbastud9 Tectonic (Teck-t-on-ick)is a "Sister" map to Cydronix's FFA Original, Radiation. It is an asymetrical...
FFA The Pit v5 Two words, PERFECTLY SYMETRICAL! This is a perfectly symetrical Free-for-all, slayer only map. It is a arena shaped map with 3...
FFA Radiation Designed for Oddball, King of the Hill, Slayer, Team Doubles, Multi-Team, Lone Wolves/Free-For-All and team swords; Made by...
FFA PHOTOSYNTHESIS V3 Sorry about the recent post, it was screwed up. Sniper x1 Ghost x1 Turret x1 Br x3 Needler x1 Laser x1 Mauler x1 It is...