ACROMIN This is my second v2 map. This map shows some really great qualities, such as the Geo-merging and interlocking which are very clean and...
ACROMIN BY: SUPER JERK777 This is one of my new map releases that i have been working on for a long time now. This map shows some really...
EUREKA Eureka is my third map that ive posted with pictures its a asymmetric map. It has clean interlocking and Geo-merging. Everything on...
ZICRON This is my second actual map post with pictures so they might be small but the map is very good. It has good interlocking and...
FANATIC Made by Super Jerk777 and helped by B1G J 187 Fanatic is a very creative map and everything looks beautiful. there is very clean... !!!!!!!!!!! This is my second post and i still cant post pics and...
EUREKA Eureka is a very complex map almost everything on the map is geo-merged and interlocked, it has its weaks and goods. This is my...