As some of the images are a bit big I put them all in Spoiler tags. When I first started making avatars/signatures, I sucked. I sucked BAD. I have...
Anyone who might be interested in joining my Forge Team: Black Knight Design, Message the Team Leader: Hiro Ryusaki or UnholyZephyr or HLG...
Please post and tell me what clan name you think sounds better. One Vote, FYC Legends FYC Hysteria (FYC = **** Your Couch) Leaders HLG...
Hey guys, I made my first AMV, any comments or advice on the video and how I could improve would be great, check it out, Thanks YouTube - Iriya...
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could get me started with creating AMVs (Anime Music Videos) I am using Mac, how should I load and edit video and...
I'm not really sure where to start with learning to create those short 100x100 repeated action sequences for avatars, but I am really interested...
NVM Clan Closed.
I saw on one thread the max object limit is around 301-309 (Using a clean map) Is there a way to get 90 extra items on the map, or do I have to...
This is possibly my best forge map under a map genre of my own which is much like MLG but breaks some rules for the better of the map that I call...