Been a few years so I made a little aesthetic piece to get back into the game and practice the new forge system. I like haven't touched the...
[IMG] [IMG] crying internally but i'm sure it was worth it?
DayZ - The Survivors - YouTube Official Mod Site So for those of you who aren't in the know DayZ is a mod for the game ARMA 2, and for lack of...
Build v1 Alright, so I've got some extra cash and recently started planning on another computer build. I think it's a decent build, but it's been...
This is a video GodlyPerfection(AZN FTW) requested recently for his Affinity map. Since the map's not posted here(to my knowledge anyways) I...
[IMG] Authors: rifte gifle, Urban Myth Gametypes Supported : MLG CTF, MLG Territories, MLG Team Slayer, MLG Bomb Recommended players : 8 (4v4)... Hey everyone, so I've recently started up a machinima. I've got the script finished, I've finished...
[IMG] [IMG] 12 PLAYERS RECOMMENDED YouTube - Invasion: Unbroken Sovereignty OBJECTIVES [SPARTAN] Neutralize...
[IMG] Creators: rifte gifle, Seaboro Kibbles Recommended players: 16 This is a quick and fun minigame made by myself and Seaboro Kibbles....
[IMG] Creator: rifte gifle, Recommended players: 10-16 The Story so Far... A new airborne virus has started spreading across the planet. While...
[IMG] Well, I've finally decided on a map name (thanks to wiggums for the suggestion) and I believe the map is almost done. I really like the way...
[IMG] Hey everyone, this is a remake of my original Sewers map from Halo 3. I started on part 3 but thought it would have made more sense to do...
NEW VERSION OF MAP POSTED- Version 2 fixes *Unbreakable *A teleporter that spawns at 80 seconds will send any starting building campers to a...
This is the one thing I need to figure out before I release my map. Put simply my loadout cameras do not work. I have two, one for the infected...
YouTube - Reach Forge Tutorials Ep1: Drop Pods Feel free to post if you have questions. Apologies if it was iffy to understand, this is the first...
[IMG] So yeah, I've decided to start the campaign back up. For those of you who have played it in Halo 3(preferably the updated version, the...
[IMG] YouTube - Halo Reach Frigate: UNSC Trebuchet by rifte Hey everyone, I've returned to forging and for my first map I decided to make a...
[IMG] Hey guys, so I've returned to forging now and for my first project I made a frigate. It's massive and takes up almost eight tenths of the...
YouTube - How to Lower the Gun in Halo Reach (Inside Gaming Plus Tutorial) Lowering you gun in Halo Reach is possible and easier than Halo 3. For...
This is the second time I've used Illustrator in my life, the first being this avatar. Took me a couple days, there are a bit over a hundred paths...