Before I start please post who you thought the killer was at the beginning, a quarter of the way through, half the way through, 3 quarters of...
I assume most of you know about the "Marble Hornets" series on youtube. We all know that it is fake, but a spawn off that series, "Everyman...
The introduction to my new Fallout: New Vegas series called Exploring the Wastes, or EtW. It is still processing so be patient. I know the audio...
Yet another masterpiece made out of "Junk". The whole Idea out of these projects was to show that you can actually make something on maps other...
Brobot The Master of all Bros Well, in my free time I decided to make something on Boardwalk. I was hoping I could establish a mini-game or an...
To start things off: I am creating a service in where I use video to review maps or I can capture a flythrough showing off the map with music of...
This is a map I am making on Forgeworld for the Invasion gametype. I am about halfway done. I am done with most of the layout, I just need to...
This is going to be the second map in my DeadDread Mappack. The first was DeadDrop and the second this. And I bet you can guess the next one's...
Meh... New style with smudging. I like the smudging on his arms but I don't like the background... CnC Without Text: [IMG] With Text: [IMG]...
I am on my journey in the world of pokemon! I had figured out my recording program wasn't recording when I had got my Mankey and I do not feel ike...
THE GAMETYPE Mortars is a gametype I have come up with and I have developed it for more than two weeks now. Mortars is a gametype where the...
I loosely based this idea off of B3NW's theory with the grav lift. My Idea is: If you placed a One Way Shield Door right in front of an object...
The First left at -36... The Second at -37... The Third at -48... And then there were two. At -73 we charged. We moved, we learned,...
This is the second installment of my sketchup map DeathDrop. This update is so big it NEEDED it's own thread. Be wary: You will be amazed by the...
Im not sure how I did this but I think my map has despawning objects! I am really not sure how this works... But for some reason objects...
[IMG] V1 [IMG] V2 CNC Plox... Stock [IMG]
IxFlashPointxI's guide As you can tell by the title this thread is about the new arcade game, Monday Night Combat. I picked this game up around...
UPDATE: Could a mod please change the name of this thread to DeathDrop with the Map Preview prefix? Thanks... This is a sample...
Seeing as their are many Map Idea Threads and no gametype threads, I thought why not make a gametype thread. This is not to discuss the official...
This is a thread to post your specific INVASION Ideas. Go ahead and share your invasion ideas with the community! My Invasion idea: Phase 1:...