[IMG] Wanted to know opinions of my style without text.
[IMG] Woot.
This topic is all about discussing your talents, and what you use them for. In fact, I should call it BRAGGING TIME. I'll start. I'm talented...
With hand-made effects :o Give me bad crit and I will bite you. >:( [img]
[img] Like the title says. Meh. Edit includes: Less effects, sharpened, rearranged.
The only thing I think I got right of this was the hood. Otherwise I hate the flower, and the hair. Kept it low profile to keep from making it too...
[img] By the way, the name of the sig is flow. If you didn't know already....
Thought I would try a different style. [IMG]
This would have been so much better if I hadn't accidentally merged the layers before finishing it. So many things go wrong whenever I start...
Finally got my faces down for the chibis. I really need to work on their bodies though. [IMG] [IMG] Weaboopedia time: These are Gijinkas, they...
YouTube- Official Vampires Suck Trailer Now THAT'S something to take your girlfriend to. Hang on, media prob. Fixed.
A lot of things happened since I finished this. It's been through so much problems. And black is a ***** to use. For some reason, the black...
[img] Looking for my printer cord, so I thought I'd try some digital art while I was searching.
[img] [img]
Yea. I barfed out some G&A stuff. Fifteen minutes? [img] What is wrong with me.
YouTube - Nintendo 3DS 2010 - How it will look like! YouTube - Sony PS3 3D No information on Microsofts plan. I think they're planning to combat...
Then he is all alone in his world. [img] So, my new one. Contrast seems a bit looooooow, so ignore it....
No, he doesn't. This was just a test on PSE trial. The only exception. So unless I get the urge to try again, no more sigs from me. My latest...
Surfing DeviantArt, and I found the best comic evAR. If you don't laugh, and your pants don't laugh, or your ass doesn't fall off, then don't wear...