Eh I can't believe I made a Halo tag lol... Anyways the game looks great, just since everyone else was making one, I said heck, why not. [IMG]
Here are 2 new 3D pieces: Restoration Robotics by ~HellsRequiemAMX on deviantART Boredom Bots by ~HellsRequiemAMX on deviantART
Fully by myself: The Protector by ~HellsRequiemAMX on deviantART
I just got this program like 2 days ago, so far made this: Shiny Metal Discs by ~HellsRequiemAMX on deviantART Evil Robotics by ~HellsRequiemAMX...
Recent work: [IMG] [IMG]
I've been listening to death core all day, I had to make this for myself: [IMG]
Harsh CnC guys, c'mon: [IMG] [IMG]
CnC, like good harsh CnC: [IMG]
Well as you guys know I was not active for the past week, here is the work I've done in the week: [spoiler] I also made a brush set, PM me if...
Made this and I liked it: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] I think I might go borderless and change the text.
Hahaha... My friend and I found a goat, and we thought it was saying "Oh ****": [IMG] I sharpened image, and added the text bubble btw lol.
Ice's logo inspired me with the colours to create something with something along the lines of that scheme so here it is: [IMG]
I made this for our band's vocalist: [IMG] Fully defaults, fully original idea.
Just made my self a logo, with my initials: [IMG] and [IMG]
Went at another go for anime: [IMG] I liked doing this one.
Hey, well, as I promised Frag, I would make an anime signature, so here it is: [IMG]
I just made this, fully defaults, I DO NOT USE C4D'S! [IMG]
ADTR - Signature - CnC. [IMG]
Just made this for my band: [IMG] Really entertaining to make.
Well I got really bored so I made this, I think it looks pretty good for not being too much, was inspired by Ice's piece that she recently posted....