I am trying to rig a moving map where as new platforms spawn and the objects behind them are deleted due to max spawn being less than the amount...
In halo 3 you can rig the spawn max on an item to be less then the amount of items that are supposed to be on the field. For example, fusion coil...
hey my names Blake. I'm new and this seems to be best place to put a helped wanted add.I could use some help making a bumper cars map (you know...
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] that 1 box up top is messed up on purpose because people kept jumping up top It's an obstacle course. The funnel is blocked...
fun trick track/team slayer map includes mancannons that can only shoot mongooses all the way to the other side. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] i.. i...
two identical ships with auto-firing cannons.great for team gametypes. Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing...