Hello fellow Forgers! Do You Like Infection? Well do I have the place for YOU! LMS means Last Man Standing join for the best infected fun around!
[IMG] By- De Wy El Ay En ~ Diffusion is a 2v2 map i made in the course of a weekend. over 10 hours were put into perfecting wall placement and...
A Short Tutorial I Made Showing The Simplest Way I Know To Change An Eye Color In Photoshop 7. Enjoy!...
Saints Row 2: Our Rides Me and my friend IxCRAZYxDRAMAxI were playing Saints row 2 one day when we realized, lets show YouTube how freaking...
Hey! I'm De Wy El Ay En, I've been a member of ForgeHub for probably 6 Months Now. But I changed my username. My Old username Was- Borat My...
Grip-Shift By- Uncle Borat, IxCRAZYxDRAMAxI Download Grip-Shift Grip-Shift Is A RaceMap, It Happens To Be The First Racemap I've Ever Built!...
So I've attempted on making a start for a new map idea I had going, It's called.. MLG Regrets So i was thinking.. this would be hard to do all...
[IMG] By- Uncle Borat Download Links- Snowbound Mosh Pit Hard-Core Mosh Pit ~ Hardcore Mosh Pit is a game that i created on Snowbound. I...
my Spartan Rock n' Roll Band! Uncle Borat- Lead Guitar Twilightdount- Bass Drums- Orbitalshot Vocals- ElvisTaco [IMG]
Zombie Office v2 By Uncle Borat Links- Zombie Office v2 Real Zombies not alot of changes have taken place from Zombie Office to Zombie...
I didn't know there was an intro section! anyways, I'm Uncle Borat, Borat is my IDOL! I love playing halo 3, Call of duty 4 and skate...
i would apreciate if someone could make me a sig like this. id like it to have a pic of Borat, with the american flags, and say somewhere on it,...
Genocide is a series that My productions with a couple of friends started. We're Known as the KatanaCousins Our series is about a city, that has...
Mole Cave By Uncle Borat! Download Mole Cave This Is The Mole Cavern, With A Special Crouch Cave! [IMG] [IMG] It Also Has A Waterfall With...
[IMG] I took this on foundry when me and my friend were messing with stuff to make cool screenshots!
Zombie Office By- Uncle Borat The 'Zombie Office' as they call it now, was formally a UNSC secret retreat base equipped with 4 offices and...
Cuidad de Mal City Of Evil Inspired by Something.'s Map, Township v3 Download Links ~ Cuidad de Mal Map Variant Real Zombies Game Variant...
~The Cinema~ Put On A ShowFor Your Friends! Download the Map Variant Here In the Cinema you and your friends can have some fun performing for...