Hey guys this Alb1n0, I'm just here to say i have a new account It is called: A Firey Hobo. So if you were one of my friends on xbox live send...
Venom Made by The Alb1n0 Supported Gametypes: Ven - TSlayer, Ven - MFlag, and Ven - Ball Map Description Venom is a well-balanced asymmetrical...
Cadical v2 Created by The Alb1n0 Supported Gametypes: CTF, KOTH, and Slayer Map Description Cadical has an interesting layout that is...
Cadical The Alb1n0 Supported Gametypes: KOTH,CTF,Slayer. Map Description Cadical is a 2v2v2 map. It was supossed to be for 2v2 until my friend (...
Description PLH is a new game type I have made which is very similar to MLG it is a little more Noobish than MLG because of the weapon list. but...